another bulbo!

7:41:00 PM

sedang asik bercengkrama dengan adobe illustrator, tetiba mata gw tertuju ke reading list dan ow ow ow ada BULBO TREASURE PART 2 dari nacile! marilah kita berdoa kepada sang Pencipta.


1. What’s the brand of your watch? gw pake jam pasir
2. What’s the brand of your rubber shoes? karet pengapus gw anyam jadi sepatu
3. What’s the brand of your cellphone? samsul es
4. What’s the brand of your computer? aduh ntar gw dibilang sombong pake mekbuk *plak
5. What’s the brand of your bags? eceng gondok bag from Colorbox -__-
6. What’s the brand of your underwear? masa iya gw ngaku pake Crocodile?
7. What’s the brand of your flipflops? swallow minjem
8. What’s the brand of your wallet? merek ga penting, sing penting isine toh nduk
9. What’s the brand of your perfume? bayfresh
10. What’s the brand of your shirts? kaos bekas spanduk kampanye
11. What’s the brand of your shoes? kasogi. yg Manolo Blahnik udah gw pake buat ngulek terasi
12. What’s the brand of your shampoo and conditioner? lidah buaya dibejek-bejek
13. What’s the brand of your body soap? kalo lagi ga ada lux, ya saya pake sunlight
14. What’s the brand of your sunglasses? cengdem
15. What’s the brand of your jeans? blu jin yang warna merah
16. What’s the brand of your laundry soap? sabun diparut *Aku Anak Mr. Bean*
17. What’s the brand of your lotion? dove yang shea butter itu enak wanginya! *buzzer Dove*
18. What’s the brand of your toothpaste? kalo close up abis, gw suka pake ponds
19. What’s the brand of your ballpen? pilot yang tutupnya suka dipatahin anak sd
20. What’s the brand of your towel? ga punya. gw biasanya ngelap pake baju bekas
21. What’s the brand of your milk? kuda liar milk
22. What’s the brand of your jacket? biasanya minjem ama tebengan gw sih *ahey*
23. What’s the brand of your tv? merek tipinya pak lurah apaan ya?
24. What’s the brand of your dvd? adidas
25. what’s the brand of your cam? kenon
26. what’s the brand of your eyeglasses? brand apa yang harganya 350 ribu? gw gatau -__-
27. what’s the brand of your socks? dulu sih Adidas. sekarang yang 10 ribu dapet 3
29. what’s the brand of your favorite toy? you :* #ditabok
30. what’s the brand of your toilet paper? nice. kalo nggak ada, kadang pake karton manila
31. what’s the brand of your lipgloss/lipstick? saat kaya: body shop. saat miskin: madurasa rasa jeruk
32. what’s the brand of your nail polish? tip-ex yang pas udah kering, dikasih stabilo deh. cakep.
33. what’s the brand of your radio? sori, gw biasanya striming sih
34. what’s the brand of your water? akua. kalo nggak ada, biasanya sih yang yah biasa aja kayak evian
35. what’s the brand of your favorite corned beef? apa aja asal halal :)
36. what’s the brand of your favorite drink? air putih. cukup. makasih
37. what’s the brand of your mouse? kadang saya pake victoria secret
38. what’s the brand of your make up? kanebo. kanebo yang buat ngelap mobil maksudnya
39. what’s the brand of your facial wash? apa aja asal disemprot sama pemadam kebakaran
40. what’s the brand of your mobile service? udah 39 pertanyaan gw jawab, lo masih nanya juga? gila lo ya. udahlah cukup. gw nggak mau lagi denger pertanyaan dari lo. cukup. jangan hubungin gw lagi. oke?

yak segitu dulu otak saya bekerja. mari kita pacaran lagi sama adobe illustrator yang sudah saya anggap pacar ini. iya, jadi dia nggak anggep gw siapa-siapa coba! ih kan kesel ya. huff kalo kata anak gaul. udah ah. gutbay!


*ini fontnya kok? ah sudahlah yaa bowww

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